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 Tribute to Rev. C. Kamalakar

Tribute to Rev. C. Kamalakar - Dedicated Husband, Loving Father,

and Pioneering Missionary

By Dane Gressett

Our long time friend, mentor, and co-laborer in Christ's mission in India passed away in the early hours on Sunday, July 25, 2004.  He was 54 years old.  Kamalakar leaves behind his wife Lalitha and three children: Monica, Veronica, and Rufus.  It was my great pleasure to have known him and served with him for 15 years.

Rev. C. Kamalakar was a world-renowned missionary statesman, Bible scholar, and Christian song writer.  Having begun his ministry as a seminary teacher, he progressed into pastoring the large Lone Star Telugu Baptist Church in the district headquarters city of Nellore, India.  After several years in the pastorate God gave him the remarkable opportunity to forsake all and follow Christ into remote villages to minister to formerly unreached people groups.

Leaving behind a successful public ministry and comfortable salary, Kamalakar yielded to the Lord and risked all on reaching unreached peoples.  God did not leave him without support, however.  Upon Kamalakar's decision to resign his secure job and launch out into the deep, immediately there began to trickle in support from many unexpected corners of the country and the globe.

Almost 20 years back, Kamalakar founded Abundant Life Ministerial Associates to serve as a nonprofit organization through which to conduct his village outreach ministry.  In the ensuing years a harvest of souls and miracles, similar to that of biblical standards, followed this little man's obedience.

I know of more than 250 local churches that were planted in these years.  Tens of thousands of formerly heathen people received Christ.  Most of them came to the Lord as a result of some dramatic miracle they experienced or observed.  From dreams and visions to healings and remarkable deliverances from demonic powers, the stories of God's power among these simple tribal people seemed to mount year after year.

Kamalakar understandably gained a noble reputation among his own countrymen.  Not only was he a great man of faith but was also an anointed hymn and song writer.  Kamalakar wrote hundreds of songs in his lifetime, dozens of which are sung all across India.  His influence could also be seen in the unusual ability to convene conferences for pastors and young people.  I had the opportunity to minister in many of these.  In one conference alone we had 5,000 pastoral leaders in attendance.  One youth conference was attended by 3,000 teens.  These kids came from literally every district (county) of the state. 

Kamalakar leaves behind a rare legacy of faith and fruitfulness - an example to be emulated by us all.  He will be greatly missed and the legend of his life will be remembered for generations to come.

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